Peermade Development Society (PDS)
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

May they have life,
and have it abundantly.
John 10.10
Peermade Development Society (PDS) is a registered non-governmental organisation in Peermade, Kerala, founded in 1980.
PDS is known for its work in the sustainable development of the rural population living in poverty, tribal communities, marginalised small farmers, women and children through developing various indigenous, community based and people participatory developmental programs. Highly experienced and qualified professionals spearhead its large operations across 18 departments.

Mar Mathew Arackal
Bishop Emeritus
Kerala, India

Peermade Development Society
‘Life in its fullness’ as his episcopal motto, Bishop Mar Mathew Arackal was ordained in 1971. He is the founder, visionary leader and driving force of Peermade Development Society as well as other initiatives and organisations.
He established the first Labour contractors’ Co-operative Society in Kerala. He founded Peermade Development Society (PDS) in1980 and served as its Executive Director till 2001. To empower women, he formed Kallivayalil Pappan Memorial Charitable Trust (KPMC Trust) for skill training. He founded the High Range Medical Centre (HRMC), Sahyadri Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification and two Residential Training Centres with research and lab facilities in bio-technology and eco-farming towards rural development.
He organised the farmers of Peermade and Udumbenchola Taluk under organic farming initiative. To process their produce and generate income for them, he opened two factories, that were set up to European Union standards - one for organic spices and other for organic tea. He was the Secretary to the Red Cross society in Idukki district. He served as the Bishop of Kanjirapally for over 2 decades till early 2020. PDS aside, his contributions and initiatives for the development of the community, through other avenues, organisations and the diocese have been innumerable.
Training and Human Resource Development
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Eco-restoration, Organic Farming
Integrated Watershed Development
Applied Research, Documentation and Rural Innovation
Rural and Appropriate Technology Programme
Community Health Development
Women Development, Rural Credit and Income Generation Programme
Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicines
Housing and Social Welfare
Tribal Development
Vocational Training and Small Scale Industries
Innovators Technology Development Centre
Micro Enterprise Development
Organic Pest and Disease Management & Research Department
Natural Resource Management Department
Export Department
Focus areas
Research & Development
Organic farming
Natural resource management
Watershed development
Renewable energy
Climate change mitigation
Food security
Micro finance
Skill development
Entrepreneurship development
Technology development and dissemination
Formation of micro level organisations
Community health
Waste management.
Units of PDS

The Center for
Land to Lab Initiative CLLI

Hospital & Pharmacy
Treatment Centre & Retreat
Vocational training centre

A significant achievement is that all the programs of PDS are implemented only through their micro organisations in the villages.
PDS has mobilised 1945 self-help groups, 740 joint liability groups and a few Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs).
National & International Recognitions
PDS' meticulous approach and dedication to its projects have attracted support from many national and international agencies as well as several ministries and departments of Central and State Governments of India. It runs developmental programs for UNDP, UNESCO, FAO, BMZ, GIZ, Positive Planet, and Karl Kubel Foundation.
PDS is the Centre of Excellence and nodal agency for Ministry of Science and Technology of Indian Government and conducts many research programs. Department of Scientific & Industrial Research of Government of India has recognised PDS as a Scientific research organisation. PDS is the first NGO in Asia to be awarded the Benefit Sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for food and agriculture for Food Security Programs.
PDS is the national collaborator for National Innovation Foundation of Govt. of India. Ministry of Rural Development has recognized PDS as its Technology Resource Centre. PDS is the first NGO in Kerala to be awarded Tribal Development Fund from National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and is the only non-official member of its Project approval committee. PDS is recognised for its scientific pursuit and is bestowed with the responsibility of organising the Kerala Science Congress by STEC, state government of Kerala.
PDS has almost 3000 small organic spice and tea farmers in Farmers’ consortiums and is the largest exporters of organic spices in India.
PDS also owns and operates an Organic tea factory and a large portion of its produce is exported for its quality.
Peermade Development Society has launched a ‘Start Up Project’ (incubator) for converting grassroots innovation from informal sectors into rural enterprises. Department of Science and Technology under its i-STED (Innovation –Science, Technology Enterprise Development) has given a financial grant for converting grassroots innovation into rural enterprises. Under this program, rural entrepreneurs in the remote hilly areas are identified and trained in starting enterprises based on the grassroots innovations.
PDS also works closely with Khadi board and Kerala state backward and minorities Commission. Has good skill development infra structure.
PDS has excellent research facilities for soil and leaves analysis, microbiology laboratories, mushroom production, tissue culture laboratory, quality testing and evaluation for spices and Ayurveda medicine, through all stages of production.